
Committed To Ongoing Education

We are a team of teachers and education professionals dedicated to providing quality training, consulting, and skills development courses and valuable resources. Our mission is to provide our clients with the highest level of  support, accountability, and guidance in their educational endeavors.

We have extensive experience in various educational institutions at the primary and secondary levels. Our team is committed to helping our clients develop the skills they need to be successful in their chosen fields.

Online Community.
Personal Touch.

When you join Lighthouse Consulting by enrolling in one or more of our programs and receiving education consultation(s), you join an online community with hundreds of other educators. With Lighthouse Consulting’s website, you can communicate with others in your field, share ideas, ask for advice, share your own experiences, and more.

We take it a step further by sharing additional resources, giving our input in the forums, and writing helpful blog posts that help aid our growth as professional educators.